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Terima Kasih,

Profesional Services.

profesional service

Berada di Pusat Kota Balikpapan membuat Kami Terus Berbuat yang terbaik untuk semua Pelanggan maupun semua Konsumen di wilayah Balikpapan.

Balikpapan Kota Yang Sangat Indah dan Bersih, Guna Mendukung Program Pemerintah Kami Mempunyai Program Bersih Bersih Rumah, Gedung Perkantoran, Perusahaan maupun apartemen yang Berlokasi di Balikpapan.

Get to know the real city

Menjaga Kota Balikpapan agar Terlihat Bersih dan Indah adalah Tugas Kita Bersama, semua Harus di Mulai dari rumah, Tempat kerja atau kantor kita.

Team Kami Ahli di Bidangnya.

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.

Enjoy professional equipment

Cleaning Service, Perbaikan Rumah, Service Ac, Kelistrikan, Maupun service Genset.

Some of the companies that experienced our tours

"What I love about these tours is that the guides are not afraid to get off the beaten track and show us the real city. This is an I will definitely come back to"
Alene Elvine
HR Manager
“The guide was everything I hoped for, and more. BikeTour really makes a difference, I would have never discovered the beautiful places we stopped for"
Jonas Gerber

Enjoy the bike ride of your life

Images: WOCinTechChat, Bike: 1, 2, 3